Is it time to Trade In / Upgrade your old AED / Defibrillator?
The Defibshop is offering up to $250* to Trade In your old model of AED / Defibrillator.
Do you have an ageing defibrillator of any brand or model?
10+ years old?
Why not look to Trade In your AED with the Defibshop today?
Take the opportunity NOW to change to a new brand or model of AED
In medical terms, a device that has reached the age of ten years (10) or more is considered old….
Like all medical devices, defibrillators reach an age where replacement is the next option instead of purchasing replacement consumables.
An AED is simply that – a life saving medical device!
The Defibshop is able to assist you with purchase of a brand new modern, efficient and easy to use device.
There are several reasons why you might want to Trade In your old device:
* It is no longer reliable given its age.
* Consumables may be hard or impossible to get.
* Some brands may be obsolete.
* Some models may be obsolete.
* You want a more modern device offering more features and assistance.
* If you would like a unit with a current product warranty for up to 8 years
* You want a more affordable unit to purchase and maintain.
* Purchasing new consumables does not guarantee your old unit will function as expected.
* Some models may no longer be in production or consumables may be difficult to find or simply now too expensive to replenish.
Some examples are:
Cardiac Science Powerheart G3
Mediana A10
LifePak CR Plus
LifePak Express
The Defibshop is able to help. Contact us today to discuss how we can review the unit you currently have and what we can suggest in terms of a replacement model.
There are several very good units on the market now. The choice is yours!
Feel free to email our team at and provide us with the following information, and we’ll contact you to discuss your options:
1) Your Contact Information (Name, Company Name, Email, Phone number)
2) Brand of your existing AED
3) Model of your existing AED
4) Date of manufacture of your existing model (if known)
5) Expiry dates for existing consumables – if known (pads & batteries)
If it’s easier, feel free to take a few photos of your old AED / Defibrillator (including one of the front and the back of your AED) and send through with your contact details to mentioning you’d like to TRADE-IN your AED.
* Please Note: The TRADE-IN Value of up to $250 will vary depending on the unit you are trading in and the unit you wish to upgrade to.
Defibshop – makes saving lives easy!
Australia’s No: 1 Defibrillator Store!