Expert Advice – Not Sales Talk!

Defibshop_Logo_footerPurchasing a defibrillator is a major decision. Your purchase is an investment. You want to make sure you make the correct decision. You want to talk to the right people and get the correct advice. Sure, any salesman can talk the talk and tell you all you want to know! The salesman might have read the product brochure, seen the DVD or read some good news stories about what he/she thinks they are selling, but do they have the real expert knowledge? Have they used a defibrillator in real life? Has he/she indeed ever done CPR?

That ‘s why you should talk to us at your Defibshop. We are experts in the field of defibrillation. We have used defibrillators in REAL life situations – not just in training scenarios! We have done REAL CPR and we can tell you what it is like – what to be mindful of and how to make a Sudden Cardiac Arrest run smoothly, giving the patient the best chances of survival.

With more than twenty three years in the paramedical profession, Managing Director Carpet Hughes has treated many victims of Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Carpet can share his knowledge and help you understand what Sudden Cardiac Arrest is, how you can best prepare for and treat it, and how to carry out treatment for a Sudden Cardiac Arrest giving the victim the most opportunity of survival, including getting help on the way.

Contact your Defibshop now to discuss your needs. A defibrillator is an asset in any home, or other place where you find people. Sudden Cardiac Arrest – you never know when or where, and it can happen at any time to any one.

Seconds count…  be prepared

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